
In circulation is the new issue of ALUMNI (December 2013), a newsletter addressed to those who have attended the University, with a summary of events for the first months of this academic year and Christmas greetings.

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Friday 13 December (9:00 am, Aula Benedetto XVI), in collaboration with the Pontifical Council Cor Unum, there was a reflection on “The service of Charity: Co-responsibility and Organization”, deepening the motu proprio of Benedict XVI Intima Ecclesiae Natura. The two sessions on the day of study was presided by Cardinals Robert Sarah (Cor Unum) and Francesco Coccopalmerio (Testi Legislativi).


Press Release (it)

Tuesday 10 December (9:15 am, Aula Alvaro del Portillo), on the initiative of the Institute of Liturgy, took place a Day of study on the 50th anniversary of the Sacrosanctum Concilium, the Conciliar Constitution on Sacred Liturgy.



“Rediscover the fundamental charisma by living the virtues at work” is the title of the volume that contains the Acts of the continuing education course for employees of the Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza in San Giovanni Rotondo (Italy), given in the last months by a group of Professors of the University, on the initiative of the Research Center Markets, Culture & Ethics.
The volume, edited by Rev. Prof. Martin Schlag and with the prologue by Rev. Prof. Luis Romera, was presented Monday, December 9 at the Sala Marconi in Radio Vaticana (12:00 pm, Piazza Pia, 3).

For the third consecutive year, the Center for Priestly  Formation of Priests (CFS) has organized, from October to December, a refresher course for priests on the theme The Pastoral of the Confessional. It is composed of seven meeting-lectures taught by Mons. Pedro Huidobro, Chaplain of the University, and by Rev. Prof. Eduardo Baura, director of CFS.

Thursday 5 December (4:30 pm, Aula Alvaro del Portillo) in collaboration with the Association "Giuseppe De Carli", took place the round table on the theme Religious information today: state of the art, with journalists  Valentina Alazraki (Televisa), Rosario Carello (Rai) and Andrea Tornielli (La Stampa).  To follow there was the award ceremony of the Prize Giuseppe De Carli (I Edition).


Thursday 28 November (10:30 am, Aula Magna “Giovanni Paolo II”), was held the customary Information Session on The Pontifical University of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei.


Wednesday 27 November (4:15 pm, Aula Álvaro del Portillo), on the initiative of the School of Canon Law, took place the presentation of the General Dictionary of Canon Law, published by the University of Navarra (Spain) and edited through Thomson Rueters Aranzadi.

More information on Diccionario


Monday 25 November, in the Cathedral of the Diocese of Palo (Tacloban City), took place the priestly ordination of several deacons, which include some alumni from the University of Santa Croce.

On Monday 25 November, the liturgical memorial of Saint Catherine of Alexandria, the School of Philosophy celebrated the academic feast in honor of their Patron.

