Media Gallery
Academic Year 2015-2016
- One Year of Academic Life - 2015/2016
- X Professional Seminar for Church Communication Office (26-28.04.2016)
- Congress of the School of Canon Law (18-19.04.2016)
- Congress of the School of Theology (9-10.03.2016)
- IV Study Week for Seminary Formators, February (1-5.02.2016)
- Study Day "Vocation and Mission of the Laity" (10.11.2015)
- Day of welcome for new students (8.10.2015)
- Inauguration of the Academic Year 2015/2016 (5.10.2015)
Academic Year 2014-2015
- Bioethics formation Course (22-25.09.2015)
- Refresher Course for Philosophy Professors (14-17.09.2015)
- One Year of Academic Life - 2014/2015
- Congress of the Faculty of Church Communications: "To write, what for and for whom" (27-28.04.2015)
- Congress of the Faculty of Canon Law: "Marriage & Family" (12-13.03.2015)
- Congress of the Faculty of Theology (3-4.03.2015)
- Seminar of the Philosophy Faculty: “Philosophy as Paideia” (23-24.02.2015)
- Study Day "Ratzinger and Daniélou addressing the mystery of history" (12-13.02.2015)
- Academic Feast of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Patron of the Theology Faculty (20.01.2015)
- Academic Feast of St. Raymond of Penafort, Patroness of the Canon Law Faculty (15.01.2015)
- Academic Feast of St Catherine of Alexandria, Patroness of the Philosophy Faculty (25.11.2014)
- Inauguration of the Academic Year 2014/2015 (7.10.2014)
Academic Year 2013-2014
- Presentation of the Book "Álvaro del Portillo", Ares ed. (18.09.2014)
- The Church Up Close 2014 (8-17.09.2014)
- One Year of Academic Life - 2013/2014
- Seminar Day on “Mercy and Law in Marriage” (22.05.2014)
- Professors Seminar on "Evangelii gaudium" (14.05.2014)
- IX Professional Seminar for Church Communications Offices (28-30.04.2014)
- Congress on the Centennial of Msgr. Álvaro del Portillo (12-14.03.2014)
- Congress of the School of Philosophy "Personal Flourishing in Organizations (24-25.02.2014)
- The "Exequatur” at thirty years from the Agreement of Villa Madama (17.02.2014)
- CFS - 3rd Week of study for seminarian trainers, February, 3-7, 2014 (3-7.02.2014)
- Seminar of religious information for Spanish-speaking journalists (30.01.2014)
- Academic Feast of the School of Theology (21.01.2014)
- Academic Feast of the School of Canon Law (16.01.2014)
- Day of study for the 50th anniversary of the “Sacrosanctum Concilium” (10.12.2013)
- Presentation of the "Diccionario generál de derecho canónico" (27.11.2013)
- Academic Feast of the School of Philosophy (25.11.2013)
- Day of Study on “Human Rights, hope and disappointments” (21.11.2013)
- International Conference "San Josemaría and Theological Thought" (14-16.11.2013)
- New cycle of the Seminars on the History of Economic Thought and Christian Faith (13.11.2013)
- Session Management by Ethics on the theme "Trust in Organizations" (8.11.2013)
- X Encuentro Romano de Emprendedores (8-10.11.2013)
- Day of Study on Canon Law Sheet (30.10.2013)
- Opening of the II Advanced training course in Bioethics (23.10.2013)
- Conference on "Religious freedom in Pakistan" (10.10.2013)
- Ceremony to Inaugurate the Year 2013-2014 (7.10.2013)
Academic Year 2012-2013
- 5th Renewal Course of Marriage Law and Canonical Procedure (16-20.09.2013)
- One Year of Academic Life - 2012/2013
- Seminar "Telling the Family's Story" (7.06.2013)
- Presentation of the Summary of the Conciliar Decree Christus Dominus (6.05.2013)
- Symposium on Joseph Ratzinger and Erik Peterson (2.05.2013)
- Congress of the School of Church Communications (22-23.04.2013)
- School of Canon Law Conference on "Faith, Evangelization, and Canon Law" (11-12.04.2013)
- Day Seminar "Avant-Guarde Metaphysical-Anthropological Thought in Contemporary Philosophy." (10.04.2013)
- Mass for the beginning of the Pontificato of Pope Francis (19.03.2013)
- Day Seminar on “The Lesson of Viktor E. Frankl” (26.02.2013)
- School of Theology's Academic Feast (15.01.2013)
- Day Seminar in Honor of Robert Spaemann (10.01.2013)
- School of Canon Law’s Academic Feast (9.01.2013)
- Ceremony honoring the gift of the IV edition of the Complete Works of S. Kierkegaard (6.12.2012)
- Exhibit "Dictatorship vs Hope" (26.11.2012)
- Academic Feast of the School of Philosophy (26.11.2012)
- Ceremony to Inaugurate the Year 2012-2013 (5.11.2012)
- Day Seminar: "The Logos between the Ancient World and Christianity" (26.10.2012)
- Presentation of Trilogy: "The Mystery of Law" (25.10.2012)
- Day Seminar on Stewardship and Patrimonial Canon Law (24.10.2012)
- Academic Event in Honor of Prof. Msgr. Lluís Clavell (18.10.2012)
- Inaugural Mass for the Academic Year 2012/2013 (5.10.2012)
- Academic Event in Honor of Prof. Juan José García-Noblejas (4.10.2012)
- National Forum of Spiritual Theology Professors (20-22.9.2012)
- Third Professional Seminar “The Church Up Close” (10-16.09.2012)
Academic Year 2011-2012
- One Year of Academic Life - 2011/2012
- Presentation of the "Secret Portrait of Cardinal Celso Constantini" (8.06.2012)
- International Conference on 'Second Vatican Council and New Evangelization' (3-4.05.2012)
- XVI Conference of the School of Canon Law (26-27.04.2012)
- VIII Professional Seminar on Church Communication Offices (16-18.04.2012)
- Conferring the "Antonio Jannone" Award to Prof. Terence Henry Irwin (16.04.2012)
- Inauguration of the Romano Cosci Art Exhibit (20.03.2012)
- Congress of the School of Theology - "Word and Testimony in the Communication of the Faith" (12-13.03.2012)
- Presentation of the Latest Publications of the "Gratianus Series" (5.03.2012)
- Congress of the School of Philosophy - "Consciousness and personal identity" (27-28.02.2012)
- MCE-Consel - Congress on "Pursuing Shared Value: Sustainable Business" (22.02.2012)
- CPF - Week Long Seminar for Seminary Formers (6-10.02.2012)
- Academic Feast of the School of Theology (18.01.2012)
- Acedemic Feast of the School of Canon Law (12.01.2012)
- Academic Feast of the School of Philosophy (25.11.2011)
- Academic event in honor of the XXV anniversary of the ISSR at the Apollinare (12.11.2011)
- Incontro con Lorenza Lei, Direttore Generale delal RAI (9.11.2011)
- VIII Roman Encounter of Entrepreneurs (4-6.11.2011)
- Inauguration cerimony for the opening of the academic year 2011/2012 (10.10.2011)
Academic Year 2010-2011
- Philosophy - Continuing Education Course on "Nature, Life and Evolution" (7-12.09.2011)
- Tribute to Prof. Enrique Colom (28.06.2011)
- MCE Project, Meething on the theme "The Crisis in the Mediterranean" (24.06.2011)
- Presentation of the book "A hope for Italy" (26.05.2011)
- Opening of the exposure dedicated to the Card. Beran (16.05.2011)
- Round Table "Cornelio Fabro and the era of secularization" (12.05.2011)
- Congress of the School of Church Communications (5/6.05.2011)
- Presentation of the book "Symphony of the Word" (Di Virgilio - Tábet) (14.04.2011)
- Congress of the School of Canon Law (7/8.04.2011)
- Premiazione Concorso Letterario alla memoria di Maria Antonietta Colombino (4.04.2011)
- Workshop on "The beatification of John Paul II: Public opinion and sensus fidei" (1.04.2011)
- Congress of the School of Philosophy (28.02-1.03.2011)
- Ambasciata della Repubblica di Cina (Taiwan) presso la Santa Sede, dono di un quadro (23.02.2011)
- MCE - Congress on "Management by Ethics in Italy" (8.02.2011)
- CPF - Week of study for the formation of seminarians (7-11.02.2011)
- Informative Session on the "Pontifical University of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei" (18.01.2011)
- Academic Feast of the School of Theology (18.01.2011)
- Academic Feast of the School of Canon Law (13.01.2011)
- Academic Feast of the School of Philosophy (25.11.2010)
- Meeting with Magdi Cristiano Allam on "Communication Challenges for the new Evangelization of Europe" (17.11.2010)
- Day of Study on the "Evangelization and Latin American identity" (10.11.2010)
- MCE Project - Congress "Free Markets and the Culture of Common Good" (15-16.10.2010)
- Inauguration cerimony for the opening of the academic year 2010-2011 (4.10.2010)
- IV Continuing Education Course on Matrimonial Law and Canonical Processes (20-4.09.2010)
- Seminar "The Church Up Close" 2010 (6-12.09.2010)
Academic Year 2009-2010
- Incontro del Gran Cancelliere con un gruppo di sacerdoti a chiusura dell'Anno Sacerdotale (11.06.2010)
- Presentazione del volume "Ius liinum" di SER. Juan I. Arrieta (20.05.2010)
- Seminario Internazionale su Etica Politica nella cultura democratica (14-15.05.2010)
- Convegno della Facoltà di Comunicazione Istituzionale (26-28.04.2010)
- Convegno della Facoltà di Diritto Canonico (15-16.04.2010)
- Giornata di studio - 40º promulgazione Missale Romanum (24.03.2010)
- Visita di Mons. Robert Zollitsch, Presidente Conferenza Episcopale Tedesca (11.03.2010)
- Convegno della Facoltà di Teologia (4-5.03.2010)
- Convegno della Facoltà di Filosofia (22-23.02.2010)
- Presentazione Gratianus Series (18.02.2010)
- Nevicata a Roma vista dal Palazzo dell'Apollinare (12.02.2010)
- Conferenza di Mark Thompson, Direttore Generale della BBC: "Broadcasting and Civil Society" (02.02.2010)
- Festa della Facoltà di Diritto Canonico (15.01.2010)
- Giornata di studio "La comunicazione nella missione del sacerdote" (18.11.2009)
- Inaugurazione dell'Anno accademico 2009-10 (04.11.2009)
- Mostra storico fotografica sul XXV anniversario
- Accordo di collaborazione con la National Chengchi University of Taiwan (21.10.09)
Academic Year 2008-2009
- Presentazione libri Gratianus edizioni (Montreal) (16.02.09)
- Inaugurazione dell'Anno accademico 2008-09 (05.11.08)
- Insediamento del nuovo Rettore Magnifico (30.09.08)
Academic Year 2007-2008
- Palazzo dell'Apollinare
- Flash della vita accademica
- XII Convegno della facoltà di Diritto canonico (10-11.04.08)
- Consegna del Dottorato Honoris Causa al Card. Ruini e al prof. Nieto (9.04.08)
- XII Convegno della facoltà di Teologia (13-14.03.08)
- XVI Convegno della facolta di Filosofia (28-29.02.08)
- Celebrazione accademica della facoltà di Teologia (25.01.08)
- Presentazione del Master internazionale "Cooperation for Peace and Development" (15.01.08)
- Celebrazione accademica della Facoltà di Diritto Canonico (10.01.08)
- Conferenza del cardinale Zenon Grocholewski (12.12.07)
- Galileo, Darwin e il Vaticano negli ultimi studi di Mariano Artigas. Atto in memoria del Rev. Prof. Mariano Artigas, nel primo anniversario della sua scomparsa (5.12.07)
- Giornata di studio sulle tematiche attinentti al processo di Bologna (29.11.07)
- Celebrazione Accademica per la festa della facoltà di Filosofia (23.11.07)
- IV Incontro di imprenditori (16-18.11.07)
- Presentazione del libro della prof.ssa Carla Rossi Espagnet (13.11.07)
- Inaugurazione dell'anno accademico (08.10.07)
- III Corso di aggiornamento in Diritto Matrimoniale e processuale canonico (17-21.09.07)
- II Corso aggiornamento della Facoltà Filosofia (06-07.09.07)