Two New Research Centers: Science and Faith - Markets, Culture, & Ethics

On June 12, 2013, the Rector announced that Center for Interdisciplinary Documentation of Science and Faith (DISF) would be elevated to a Research Center at the University. It is entrusted to Professor Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti.

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Among other tasks, the DISF aims to respond to the "need to value the humanistic dimensions of scientific research: to facilitate formation of the intellectual life and the unity of knowledge; and to confront, with an adequate method, the main interdisciplinary questions posed by the relationships between science, philosophy, and theology."

On November 2, 2012, with the goal of "studying and promoting the Church's social doctrine as well as an open image of the human person in an interdisciplinary perspective that includes theology, philosophy, economics, business management, and other related disciplines, each ethically founded," the Rector also erected the Research Center "Markets, Culture, & Ethics," entrusting it to Professors Martin Schlag and Juan Andés Mercado.