VI Course on Marriage Law and Canonical Procedure for Those Working in Ecclesial Tribunals

From September 19 to 23, 2016, on the initiative of the Faculty of Canon Law, the VI Course on Marriage Law and Canonical Procedure took place. The course was dedicated to the continuing education of those working in Ecclesial Tribunals.

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The sixth in this series of Refresher Courses aimed to bring lawyers and others working in ecclesiastical tribunals across the world up to date concerning the recent normative, doctrinal, and jurisprudential developments – particularly the Motu Propios Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus and Mitis et Misericors Iesus – that affect the process of the declaration of nullity of marriage and other matters related to tribunal activities.

The methodology employed was both theoretical and practical. The objective was to combine an academic presentation of the new canonical aspects and the grounds for nullity, which often give rise to problems in ecclesiastical tribunals, with the examination and discussion of practical cases. These cases will have been provided to the course participants in advance.