Poetics & Christianity - Sixth Conference - Papers

Writing: what for and for whom
The joys and travails of the artist

Rome, April 27-28, 2015


Theme Mode Requirements Editorial Guidelines Accepted Presentations


The principal theme of the conference is the creative process behind a work of art. The goal is to enter into the subject’s perspective, namely, that of the musician, the writer, essayist, screenwriter, architect, painter, etc.
The presentations will thus aim to shed light, through an academic analysis, on the artistic mind. What happens within the person who writes and labors over a work? What are their concerns, questions and goals? Does one write for patrons, for money, for society, for others, for oneself, for the work itself and what it can communicate? What is the “target group”? Does one write for a wide audience or for sympathizers only? For the masses or for specialists (scholars or fellow artists)?
What are some of the obstacles one encounters, and what might provide assistance on this journey? What impact could religious faith, Christianity in particular, have on the creative process?
The perspectives from which one can approach this theme are multiple: psychological, aesthetic, artistic, anthropological, and literary (ie., based on the work itself, one can speak about the author and analyze the creative process).


Every presentation will last for 30 minutes (20 for the presentation and 10 for the questions). Participants who desire to give a presentation are asked to prepare an abstract of about 1500 characters, including spaces, and upload it on the Conference’s webpage, through their own user account, by March 20, 2015.  The abstract must have a title and be accompanied by five key words.
Please do not send the material by email directly to the academic committee. By March 15, 2015, we will post our decisions about which presentations have been accepted.  Presentations can be given in English, Italian or Spanish.  Whoever deems it necessary to use audiovisual instruments during the course of their presentation must file a request in advance to the secretariat and bring a laptop computer.


Complete texts must be delivered by May 31, 2015 in order to be evaluated by the academic committee for the purpose of eventual publication. Requirements for publication are listed as follows: 
-Original content (it must be a new contribution to the research done on the arguments).
-Theoretical approach, also autobiographical with scholarly-analytical reflections.
- In the case of an autobiographical approach, we emphasize that only those giving a central role in the theoretical-analytic reasoning will be chosen.
-A maximum of 20,000 characters (including notes and spaces)
- Comformity with the editorial guidelines indicated below:

Editorial Guidelines

Below are some sample footnotes:
- Stanley CAVELL, Pursuits of Happiness: The Hollywood Comedy of Remarriage, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts 1981.
- David MAMET, "El arte como profesión de ayuda", en La ciudad de las patrañas, Debate, Madrid 1997, pp.100-105.
- Robert SPAEMANN, "L’unità del mito. Culto ed ethos come fondamento della cultura", in Il Nuovo Aeropago, 3-4 (1991), pp.37-41. Per la citazione, p.37.
- Juan José GARCIA NOBLEJAS, "Sin orden de prioridades, 20 errores más comunes escribiendo guiones", Scriptor.org, 5 Febrero 2014, in http://www.scriptor.org/2014/02/sin-orden-de-prioridades-20-errores-mas-... (20.2.2014)

Accepted Presentations

List of presentation abstracts that have been accepted: List and Program.
