Research Projects

The School of Communication sponsors the following research projects:

The Church and the media
Various professors in the School investigate the relationships between the Church and the media, especially of the journalistic coverage of the faith and values. They analyze media coverage of various ecclesial events such as the Great Jubilee in 2000, the death of John Paul II and the election of Benedict XVI, or themes such as the defense of human life and the family.


Poetics and Christianity
International study forum on the confluence between artistic culture and expressions of the faith. This takes the form of a Permanent Workshop, featuring biannual international conferences, providing a meeting point for academics and artists.


Center of Research into the relationship between family and mass media
This international research group studies the influence of social media on the family, taking a two-fold approach: how the family is presented in the media (fiction and news) and how the institutions that promote the family communicate their message and help present a better portrayal of the family in the public space.




Retorica & AntropologiaRhetorics & Anthropology
Rethorics is a multidimensional discipline which embraces theory and practice, logic, psychology, linguistics and, at the same time, attitudes and intentions of the speaker and the receiver. In the crossroads of the rhetorical phenomenon it is found then the human wholeness. The research center is open to collaboration with all fields speculative, practical or poetic, sensitive to the world of communications.