Study Day "Vocation and Mission of the Laity," November 10, 2015

Tuesday, November 10, 2015 (9:15 am, Aula Magna "Giovanni Paolo II"), in collaboration with the Pontifical Council of the Laity, the University organizied a Study Day to reflect on The Vocation and Mission of the Laity. Fifty Years From the Decree "Apostolicam Actuositatem".

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The Study Day was inspired by the Fiftieth Anniversary of the promulgation of Apostolicam Actuositatem (November 18,1965), a Conciliar Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity. The event highlighted the beauty and novelty of the conciliar teaching on Laity, seeking to offer a reflection on the current state of theological thought and pastoral practice in relation to the Laity. Above all, it will address the great challenges that confront the faithful in the modern and social context.

Besides representing a prominent academic event, the Study Day served as a stimulus for renewed theological and pastoral reflection in regards the mission of Catholic Laity in the contemporary, and within the framework of a new season of evangelization characterized by the joy promoted by Pope Francis.

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