"Freedom in Question", A Refresher Course for Philosophy Professors from September 14 to the 17

From September 14 to the 17, 2015, on the initiative of the Philosophy Faculty, the IV Refresher Course for Philosophy professors took place discussing the theme, Freedom in Question. Between Cultural Changes And Scientific Progress.


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"The present epoch is marked by claims of freedom in many areas (moral, political, cultural, technological, economical) which has shaped our mentality, since many of our modes of expression, thought, and behavior depend on a particular conception of freedom and the meaning we attribute to it in daily life" , the organizers commentated. Continuing, they noted, "Despite the obvious achievements of modernity, we must however discern in the present social-cultural context what those intricate characteristics are, those that can destabilize or erode the land on which freedom itself is founded."

Thus, the scope of the course was to examine - with an interdisciplinary perspective - the questions that scientific determinism poses today, from the hypertrophy of affectivity, from multiculturalism, from moral relativism and epistemology, to social-political theories.

Speakers included Mauro Magatti (Sacred Heart), Irene Kajon (La Sapienza), Luca Valera (Campus Bio-Medical), Andrea Lavazza (International University Center), Leonardo Allodi (Bologna), Paola Ricci Sindoni (Messina).

Aimed at Philosophy professors and scholars, the course - recognized by the Ministry of Education - was valid for the continuous training of personnel in the Italian school system.