First volume published on the conference proceedings of “Saint Josemaría and Theological thought”

First volume on the Conference proceedings “San Josemaría and Theological thought” (Edusc, 492 pp.) was recently published, an event that took place at the University November 14-16, 2013.

Coordinated by Professor Javier López Díaz, the text contains plenary lectures of the conference, while the second volume will offer a selection of communications and will be published in the coming months.

The volume is characterized by its scientific richness, though largely being easy to read.  It opens with an article of mons. Javier Echevarría, Prelate of Opus Dei, on Saint Josemaría’s contributions to the II Vatican Council, which is followed by the study of mons. Fernando Ocáriz, on the wave that Saint Josemaría’s teachings can confer to theology, a study that sets the framework of the entire volume.

This work adds to the fundamental theological bibliography on St. Josemaría, but will also appeal to those who are interested in renewing theology using the light and warmth of the teachings of the saints.