“Papal visits, between diplomacy and communication”, with Mons. Gänswein and Marco Tosatti

Thursday June 5, in collaboration with the Giuseppe De Carli Association, a Seminar day on Papal visits, between diplomacy and communication, took place.
Speakers were Mons. Georg Gänswein, Prefect of the Pontifical Household, discussing Political discourses of Benedict XVI during his foreign visits, and the journalist Marco Tosatti, discussing Gesture of Diplomacy in Pope Francis’ papal visits.

Program - Depliant

Speech by Msgr. Gänswein

Speech by Marco Tosatti


The event was moderated by prof. Norberto González Gaitano, professor of Public Opinion. Presented during the seminar, in addition, was the volume of Angela AmbrogettiOn the airplane with Pope Benedict XVI, edited by the Vatican Publishing House.

“During the course of his pontificate, Benedict XVI was called upon to confront political and cultural leaders of numerous European countries and international institutions – Mons. Gänswein began –. From such confrontations sprung a significant set of reflections about political and juridical organizations, which touch upon fundamental issues concerning society, the relationship between faith and reason, between law and right, between justice and religious liberty”.