Research Projects


Science, Theology and the Ontological Quest (STOQ)
Carried out in collaboration with the other Pontifical universities in Rome, the STOQ Project seeks to develop a fruitful dialogue between science and faith through study and research programs. During recent years the project has considered the question of God in contemporary rationality and the relationship between neuroscience and philosophy.


Markets, Culture and Ethics (MCE)
In collaboration with the School of Theology, MCE promotes careful reflection on the ethics of organizations and the economy from an interdisciplinary perspective. This project seeks to transform the dominant vision of economic action and to develop teaching of the social doctrine of the Church through educational and cultural programs involving specialists in the field of business and finances.


This Spanish-language on-line encyclopedia Philosophica, developed by various members of the School, is a dynamic reference work, offering constantly updated, serious and accessible information on the status quaestionis of the principal philosophical authors and issues.


International Philosophy Award "Antonio Jannone"
Founded by Mgr. Antonio Jannone (Lauro di Nola,1906 – Roma 2007), it has been entrusted, in 2001, to the School of Philosophy of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross. Every three years the School of Philosophy confers the Antonio Jannone International Award on an internationally recognized scholar for his or her contribution to the study of classical philosophy, especially in the area of Aristotelian thought.