IX Professional Seminar for Church Communications Offices

IX Professional Seminar for Communications Offices

Church Communications:
Creative Strategies for
Promoting Cultural Change

Rome, April 28-30, 2014

"The revolution taking place in communications media and in information technologies represents a great and thrilling challenge; may we respond to that challenge with fresh energy and imagination as we seek to share with others the beauty of God".

Pope Francis, Message for the 48th World Communications Day

Every culture is creative. Every culture generates ideas that can change the world. This creative ability has been embraced and encouraged by Christianity, which throughout history and across cultures, promotes faith in a personal God, not solely as an organizer of the world. Christianity also values human reason and the potential for good, that is inherent in human nature.

Due to the fact that man is able to establish a personal relationship with his Creator, revolutionary changes in culture and social life have been produced over the centuries. Men from every walk of life are henceforth directed towards the path of the good, the true, and the beautiful. Through the media, an essential element in our lives, we walk this privilege path:

"The very profession of a communicator, along with the media technology itself, allow us to reach far and deep inside the human heart, where important decisions are made (...). Similar to the creative Word of God, communicators, with a single word, can create or recreate an image of reality. Moreover, modern technology actually globalizes and stimulates the power of speech. The fascinating and powerful influence of media in society and culture is evident. It can help us to grow or disorient us. Media can reconstruct things, informing us about the reality of events, in order to help us in the discernment of our options and decisions. Conversely, it can create virtual simulations, fantasies and fiction that move us toward vital decisions (…). Media has become one of the main tools for the creation of culture.” (Cfr. Card. JORGE MARIO BERGOGLIO, El verdadero poder es el servicio, Ed. Claretiana, Buenos Aires, 2013, p. 343).

The Ninth Professional Seminar on the Communication Offices of the Church entitled, Church Communication: Creative Strategies for Promoting Culture Change, aims to offer positive experiences and networking opportunities among communication professionals as well as tools for debating and communicating the faith in the public sphere. When the Gospel is incarnated into lifestyles, ideas, and cultures, a creative force is born that is capable of changing the world. The challenge for the Church communicator is to shed light upon the allure of this innovative force in the various folds of a secular and pluralistic society.