7th International «Poetics and Christianity» Conference - Papers

Dostoyevsky: Dwelling in Mystery

Roma, April 27-28, 2017


The Conference theme invites to an exploration into the mystery of God and man through the work and the suggestions of the great Russian writer. All Conference participants can present a paper relevant to this perspective.

Below some possible “dostoyevskyan” thematic areas:
The figure of the father
The figure of Christ
The female figures - the woman
The dialectic and conflict
Icons and paintings
Sacred space
Beauty and salvation
The meaning of life
The meaning of suffering, especially that of the innocents
Dostoyevsky and contemporary literature
Dostoyevsky and theology
Dostoyevsky and philosophy
Dostoyevsky and cinema
Dostoyevsky and the communication of faith

All communications must be delivered in 30 minutes (20 'for presentation and 10' for debate). Participants who wish to present their own paper must prepare an abstract of 1500 characters (including spaces) and upload it on the conference web page through their registration login, within February 28, 2017.
The abstract should have a title and described by five keywords.
Please do not send any material by e-mail directly to the Scientific Committee. Starting from March 15, 2017 will be communicated the approval of the papers . The communications can be presented in Italian, English and Spanish. If the presentation of the paper will require technical assistance (audio, visual, CD-ROM, Power-point, etc.), please inform the Secretariat. If necessary, we suggest to carry a laptop.

Requirements for publication
The full texts must be submitted within May 31, 2017 to the evaluation of the Scientific Committee for a possible publication.
The requirements for publication are the follows:
- Originality of the content (it must be a new contribution to research on the topic)
- Theoretical approach
- Fall within 20,000 characters (including spaces and notes)
- Comply with the editorial guidelines that will be reported

Rome, October 18, 2016