
The School of Canon Law organizes a yearly International Congress, usually in March or April, consisting of two days of work and exchanging ideas, while developing relationships with other experts in canon and civil law from many prestigious schools in the field all around the world.

Every three years the School offers a continuing education course for those who work in ecclesiastical tribunals, aimed at giving jurists the technical preparation to serve the Church in defending and promoting marriage.

The program offers students a permanent formation, with periodical updating on developments of norms, doctrine and jurisprudence regarding marriage nullity.

It follows a theoretical-practical methodology in presenting new developments in the field, discussing practical cases, previously submitted to all participants.

The School also offers a yearly cycle of seminars for the School’s professors, with academic and expert scholars from other disciplines participating.

Bulletin Board

Nuovi percorsi formativi (m. p. Mitis Iudex)

Il Centro di Studi Giuridici sulla Famiglia della Facoltà di Diritto Canonico ha predisposto percorsi formativi specifici per figure di assessori, istruttori, consulenti familiari. Info.

Consegna attestati di Licenza in Diritto Canonico 2016

La cerimonia si è svolta nell'Aula del Senato Accademico, il 23 giugno.


Marriage Canon Law Training for Pastoral Advocates, 16-20 Maggio 2016

Presso l'Arcidiocesi di Newark, NJ, ha avuto luogo il Corso Marriage Canon Law Training for Pastoral Advocates, svolto da ex-studenti della Facoltà, promosso e coordinato dal rev. prof. Luis Navarro. Info

La responsabilità giuridica dell'autorità amministrativa nel diritto...

Seminario per professori: Prof.ssa Ilaria Zuanazzi, Università degli Studi di Torino. Ore 11:30, Aula Benedetto XVI