Church History

The Specialization in Church History is designed to provide the preparation needed for teaching the historical disciplines in the institutional cycle (Church History, Patristics and Christian Archeology) and for responding to the various history-related needs of the local church (care of the archives, local studies of the Saints, writing the history of the diocese). The Specialization has a duration of two years and includes the writing of a thesis. It concludes with a comprehensive general degree examination. Students must attend seminars and courses, and pass the corresponding exams, for a total of 90 ECTS credits, of which 51 ECTS credits must correspond to courses within the Specialization. All the courses are in italian.

Bulletin Board

Pubblicato il terzo volume di "Quaderni di Storia della Chiesa"

Di María Eugenia Ossandón, "Colaborar en el terreno de la caridad". ...

Il Prof. Grohe sulla storia del filioque prima del 1014

Il Prof. Grohe ha dettato una conferenza con il titolo: "Storia del filioque prima del 1014 e il suo inserimento nel Credo a Roma.

Convegno su Storia dei Concili "Konzil und Fürst"

I Proff. Johannes Grohe, Manuel Mira, Carlo Pioppi e Ralf van Bühren hanno partecipato al convegno su Storia dei Concili "Konzil und Fürst".

Il prof. Luis Martínez Ferrer a Sololá

Il prof. Luis Martínez Ferrer con due ex-studenti, il rettore del seminario, don Víctor L. Ordóñez Rodríguez, e don Ricardo A. Nassar.