Lunedì 20 ottobre 2014 (ore 17:00, Aula Álvaro del Portillo), si è tenuta la proiezione del documentario Abrazos del cineasta L. Argueta.
«The Rector of the Cracow Seminary had told me a number of times that for those fortunate enough to study in the capital of Christendom, it was more important to ‘learn Rome itself' than simply to study (after all, a doctorate in theology can be gotten elsewhere!). I tried to follow his advice. (...) And so it happened».
St. John Paul II
Bishops from all over the world send priests, seminarians and laity to Rome in order to deepen their scientific and spiritual formation.
Rome has become a crossroads for reinforcing faith and for fostering a universal outlook of the Church and cohesion with the Apostolic See.
«Rome! I thank the Lord for the love for the Church that he has given me. Because of it I see myself as Roman. Rome, for me, is Peter. (...) It would not be easy for this poor priest to forget that grace of his love for t he Church, for the pope, for Rome. Rome!»
St. Josemaría Escrivá
Bulletin Board
Martedì 7 ottobre ha avuto luogo l'inaugurazione del 30º Anno accademico dell'Università.
L'Università ha rinnovato (dal 30 settembre 2014 al 31 agosto 2015) la Convenzione con l'Institut Français-Centre Saint-Louis.