Workshop in Venezuela on Pastoral Care of Married People

Prof. Héctor Franceschi will be the invited speaker at the Center of Studies, Altoclaro, from July 26th to the 28th.

The Center for Priestly Formation in collaboration with the Centro Teológico Sacerdotal has organized a new presentation for the Study Days for Priests and Pastoral Workshop for Seminarians, that will address Marriage and the Family. Current Affairs of  Matrimonial Canon Law and the Pastoral  Care of the Family. Provisional brochure

The theme chosen for this will workshop will be The Lights of the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia and the Motu Proprio Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus on the Reform of the Nullity Processes.

Each of the three days will open with a meditation, followed by two lectures in the morning, and in the afternoon a pastoral panel. As in previous years, the workshop will involve a meeting between priests and seminarians from various dioceses. It will be a moment for sharing experiences and praying together in a relaxed atmosphere of conviviality.