“Holiness and Renewal of the Church” in Porto Alegre, Brazil

Prof. Miguel de Salis Amaral has been invited to give an intensive course from May 30 to June 2 at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (Porto Alegre, Brazil).

The intensive course, "Holiness and Renewal of the Church," is intended for PhD and undergraduate students, and will give particular emphasis to aspects relating to the life of priests. The journey of the life of the Church through several historical periods has witnessed many difficulties, challenges, and responses lived through by each generation and then inherited by succeeding ones.

The speaker will offer a systematic reflection in order to present answers to the questions that the Church is facing today, when the Christian faithful--and particularly the priest--strongly feel the accusations and suspicions that dilute their credibility and make the missionary thrust of pastoral action more difficult. The course will also discuss the reform of the Church and in the Church.

During his stay in Brazil, Prof. De Salis Amaral will also give a conference for seminarians and other students on Wednesday June 1st, entitled "The Church of Vatican II: Historical and Theological Topics 50 years later".