"Nature, Mind, Science and God" - Corso speciale di Licenza

Prof. David B. Twetten (Marquette University, Milwaukee USA). Dal 21 aprile al 28 maggio 2015: martedì 10:45-12:30, giovedì 8:45-10.30, Aula A206 (II piano)

Il corso, promosso dal progetto STOQ, si terrà in lingua inglese



The course examines the relationship between the methodologies of philosophy and science on the issues of mind, nature and causality. It addresses the question: what are the grounds on which contemporary scientific philosophy, like our culture, takes science to give an exhaustive answer to “the great questions of human life?” Our primary test case will be contemporary analytic Philosophy of Mind, which we shall introduce by reviewing the major revolution in semantics introduced by Frege against the background of the history of philosophy. Twentieth-Century philosophers tried to use the methods of science and analysis to examine exhaustively the phenomena of mind. But as the development of the Philosophy of Mind as a field discloses, this effort leads to a number of anomalies. Responses to the situation include that ultimate science will show the need for the non-material (Chalmers); or that biology will have to incorporate a non-reductive Philosophy of Mind (Searle). Another response is to argue for the usefulness of philosophical approaches outside of science to account for what is not “third person, objective and measurable.” Reflection on the case of mind will allow us to raise questions about methodology. Can and should the scientist refrain from philosophical conclusions and assumptions? What role does philosophy play in the understanding of science’s contributions? We shall test our hypotheses by examining such issues as the question of causality, the principle of inertia, and arguments for a first cause.

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