Rome, April 28-30, 2014
Press Office
The Press Office of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross responds to journalists’ specific requests, issues press releases, and provides a press review concerning the University’s institutional activities.
The Office moreover offers material that helps to situate and understand the University’s activities, and places people in contact for possible interviews.
Bulletin Board
From 14 to 16 november 2013, on the initiative of the Chair of St. Josemaría Escrivá active in the School of Theology, will take place the International Conference San Josemaría ant Theological Thought"
[More information] - [Press Release] - [Accreditation for journalists]
Reflections and Responses from Professors at the Holy Cross
The Holy Father's decision to resign from his office as Bishop of Rome and Successor of St. Peter has opened up public opinion to an inevitable discussion: What is the meaning of this choice? What meaning has Pope Benedict himself given it? Some professors at the Holy Cross reflect and respond.