Higher Institute of Religious Studies “all’Apollinare”

The Higher Institute of Religious Studies “all’Apollinare” (ISSRA) is an academic center of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, established on September 17th, 1986 by the Congregation for Catholic Education.
The current Statutes, approved on January 22nd, 2010, acknowledge the provisions of the Instruction in Higher Institutes of Religious Sciences, promulgated by the same Congregation on June 28th, 2008.

The main purposes of the Institute are:

* the theological formation of the faithful, laity and religious, through systematic study and scientific examination of Catholic doctrine;

* preparation of pastoral workers for local communities

* preparation for the various activities of the lay apostolate.

The courses of the Institute are carried out with the academic guidance of the School of Theology of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross.

The Institute has a specific didactic methodology, which offers the traditional forms of on site teaching (lessons, written assignments, oral examinations) in a flexible form, suited to those who for geographical, professional or family reasons are unable to attend an Institute requiring daily attendance.

All didactic activity is carried out at the University.

The Institute fosters frequent dialogue between students and professors: lesson meetings are particularly important moments in this pedagogical relationship and therefore attendance is compulsory.

The dates of the meetings are indicated on the academic calendar.

Furthermore, a professor with the role of tutor is assigned to each student; the tutor's role is to help students resolve any doubts or difficulties regarding their studies, especially of an organizational or methodological nature.


Bulletin Board

12.11.2016:Perdono e conversione.Un percorso tra psicologia e religione

Giornata di formazione rivolta a studenti, ex-studenti, catechisti e a tutti gli interessati alla tematica.
Programma  Info: issraeventi [at] pusc [dot] it | Iscrizioni on line aperte

Pellegrinaggio in Terrasanta (29 ott. - 5 nov. 2016)

Nell' Anno Giubilare e in occasione del 30° anniversario dell’ISSRA (1986 - 2016) si propone un pellegrinaggio in Terrasanta rivolto alla comunità accademica e amministrativa della nostra Università (compresi familiari e ex-studenti).
Programma (per informazioni e iscrizioni rivolgersi direttamente alla guida).

ORARI corsi del II° semestre (a.a. 2015/16)

Sono disponibili gli orari delle lezioni del II° semestre (incontri di giugno, agosto e ottobre) per il corso di Scienze Religiose (triennio, biennio) e per il Programma Executive UCSE.