Higher Course in Religious Sciences

The Institute promotes the Higher Course in Religious Sciences, which offers a systematic view of the mystery of salvation through obligatory disciplines, optional disciplines, seminars, etc.

The Course is composed of 300 ECTS credits (60 each year) and is organized according to a 3+2 structure.

Each annual installment consists of 200 hours of obligatory frontal lessons, distributed throughout the year in six intensive cycles for a total of 24 days of lessons.

The triennial cycle presents all the fundamental theological and philosophical disciplines. At the end of this cycle the Degree in Religious Sciences (Baccalaureate in Religious Sciences) may be awarded;

The specialist biennial enables a more qualified ecclesial commitment. At the end of this cycle the Higher Degree in Religious Sciences (License in Religious Sciences) may be awarded.

Two-year specialist course and Master in "Religion and Society"

A new two-year specialist course in "Religion and Society" is available from the academic year 2011-2012.

The study plan addresses, in view of the "new evangelization", the current anthropological and ethical crisis of politics and the economy, the most critical questions at the heart of scientific debate, and the problems posed by multiculturalism, religious pluralism and the relationship between the magisterial function of the ecclesiastical hierarchy and the role of the laity in public life.

Bulletin Board

12.11.2016:Perdono e conversione.Un percorso tra psicologia e religione

Giornata di formazione rivolta a studenti, ex-studenti, catechisti e a tutti gli interessati alla tematica.
Programma  Info: issraeventi [at] pusc [dot] it | Iscrizioni on line aperte

Pellegrinaggio in Terrasanta (29 ott. - 5 nov. 2016)

Nell' Anno Giubilare e in occasione del 30° anniversario dell’ISSRA (1986 - 2016) si propone un pellegrinaggio in Terrasanta rivolto alla comunità accademica e amministrativa della nostra Università (compresi familiari e ex-studenti).
Programma (per informazioni e iscrizioni rivolgersi direttamente alla guida).

ORARI corsi del II° semestre (a.a. 2015/16)

Sono disponibili gli orari delle lezioni del II° semestre (incontri di giugno, agosto e ottobre) per il corso di Scienze Religiose (triennio, biennio) e per il Programma Executive UCSE.