Seminar Day on "Freedom and dependence. Interdisciplinary Prospective"

Thursday, April 10 (3:00 pm, Aula Álvaro del Portillo),  under the initiative of the School of Philosophy and in collaboration with the Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies and the University of Studies Roma Tre, the afternoon session of a Seminar Day will concern Freedom and dependence.  Interdisciplinary prospective.


Those organizing the event explain, "the objective of this seminar will be that of describing and defining various types of dependence, to identify its causes and try to frame a conceptual space that is capable of addressing the problem in a positive manner and consistent with human nature".

The theme of dependence, in relation to human freedom, in fact "is a phenomenon very complex which only in recent decades has manifested itself in all its fullness.  For complete deepening of such a complexity, the theme will be addressed from an interdisciplinary prospective that involves Philosophy, Neurobiology, Psychiatry, Psychology and Sociology".

The morning session will take place at l'ISTC-CNR (Via San Martino della Battaglia, 44).

Web Page of the Seminar Day