XXIII International Conference

The Metaphysical Dimensions of Nature

Rome, February 23-25, 2017

“The Metaphysical Dimensions of Nature” is an international conference that will be held in Rome on 23–25 February 2017.  The conference is jointly organized by the Philosophy Departments of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Rome) and the University of Notre Dame (South Bend).

“Nature” is a fundamental notion not only in science but also in philosophy, especially metaphysics. As science’s subject matter, it is often directly linked to the philosophical doctrine of “naturalism.” Nature’s practical and technological significance, of course, also continues to increase.
The prevailing tendency in contemporary reflection on science is to prioritize the epistemology of it over the metaphysics. This neglected metaphysical dimension is precisely what this Conference seeks to discuss and rediscover, through dialogue between philosophers of a variety of interests and traditions: analytic philosophy of science, philosophy of mind, and Aristotelian and Thomistic metaphysics. Each of these has a specific contribution to make to our understanding of the metaphysical dimensions and meaning of nature.

Organizing Committee
Rev. Prof. Rafael A. Martínez
Rev. Prof. Stephen L. Brock
Prof. Thérèse Scarpelli Cory
Prof. Nicholas J. Teh
Dr. Sergio Destito
Simultaneous Translation: Italian / English


Download the brochure (pdf 626 Kb)

Secretariat Office
Mrs. Caroline Jourdanne
e-mail: convegnoph [at] pusc [dot] it (click here)
Tel. +39 0668164.493 – Fax 0668164.400
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